Be Visible & Vocal
People are more likely to care for creation when they see other's taking action. By visibly committing, you are inspiring everyone around you and amplifying your action.

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Materials & Resources
(Multi-Faith) Faith Based Statements on Climate Change by Lynn Whitney
(Ecumenical) Season of Creation by Laudato Si' Movement
(Multi-Faith) Climate and Faith A Call to Stewardship, Creating Refuge, and Bearing Witness by Blessed Tomorrow
(Catholic) Laudato Si' Action Plan by Archdiocese of Atlanta
(Secular) Green Camps
(Muslim) A Covenant for the Earth by Al Mizan

(Orthodox Christian) Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, Orthodox Church in America
(Ecumenical) AME Climate Resolution by the African Methodist Episcopal Church
(Ecumenical) Mind of the House of Bishops on Climate by the Episcopal Church
(Muslim) Call for Divestment by ISNA Green Initiatives
(Ecumenical) Call for Divestment by PCUSA
(Ecumenical) Divestment Resolution by United Church of Christ
(Multi-Faith) EcoSpiritual Video Diaries Curriculum for Teens by The BTS Center
(Disciples of Christ) Faith in Action: Caring for Community and Creation by ecoAmerica & Midway Christian Church
(Baptist) First Baptist Springfield Ohio: A Creation Justice Congregation by Nancy Flinchbaugh
(Multi-Faith) Welcome to Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) by Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions
(Multi-Faith) Energy Efficiency Snapshot by Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions